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Figure 6 LookAhead system compared to the old pressure regulation valve.
Circle 1:
Start position, the flow is set for 150 l/min, the flow is changed for 50 l/min and the
flow starts to drop.
Circle 2:
An ordinary pressure regulation valve drops down to 80 l/min and has wait for a
stable flow before proceeding.
LookAhead knows where to go, so it is not necessary to wait for the flow sensor. The
LookAhead makes a fine adjustment on the pressure regulation valve and finds the correct
flow quickly.
The ordinary regulation valve makes more adjustments before the right position is found and
this takes more time.
Circle 3:
When the flow increases to 150 l/min, the same happens again.
How to use the LookAhead
Operators with tractors that can changes gear without using the clutch are basically the
ones that will benefit mostly with Look Ahead.
New tractors are often driven with clutch free gearboxes, e.g. Vario – Dynashift – CVX.
These new gearboxes corrupt the Hardi-Matic system in the liquid system of the sprayer
because they can change the ground speed without changing the rpm on the engine, PTO
hence or liquid pump on the sprayer.
When the LookAhead is active, the rpm on the PTO should be constant at all time, also in
the headland. The reason for this is that the pressure regulation valve reads the position on
the regulation valve and it registers the flow from the pump as well.
If the PTO rpm is changed, the flow and valve position relationship will be altered thus
making the logged LookAhead values less accurate.