EZ-Guide® Plus
Use the Identical curve pattern when you want to work the field
with gentle curves. This pattern provides guidance based on the ini-
tial curve. It ignores any deviation around an obstacle.
1. At the start of the first swath, map Point A.
2. Drive the initial curve. At the other end of the first swath, map
Point B.
3. Turn left or right for the next swath. The next swath is automatical-
ly selected.
4. Steer the vehicle so that you center the green lights in the
lightbar as you drive forward along the swath.
Use the Adaptive curve pattern to follow gentle contours in the
field, or when you need to avoid obstacles. This pattern provides
guidance based on the last curve driven.
To drive simple adaptive curves:
1. At the start of the first swath, map Point A.
2. Drive the initial curve.
3. Turn left or right for the next swath. The next swath is
automatically selected.
4. Steer the vehicle so that you center the green lights in the
lightbar as you drive forward along the swath.
— By default, the end of the swath is automatically detected when you do a U-turn. If you prefer to manually mark
the end of each swath, from the configuration menu, select Guidance / Auto-detect Turn and change to Off. You must
then reset Point B at the end of every pass, to mark the end of the swath before you start the turn.
To use the adaptive curve pattern to get C-clamp guidance with the
default of Auto-detect Turn set to On, do the following:
1. At the start of the headland, map Point A.
2. Drive around the headland in a C-clamp pattern.
3. Turn left or right for the next swath. The next swath is automati-
cally selected.
4. Steer the vehicle so that the green lights in the lightbar are cente-
red as you drive forward along the swath.
— The bold lines on the graph show where you must drive
without guidance.