Hansa C65RX O&M Manual
OM-029 First Release 4/05/2021
© Hansa Chippers 2021
Hydraulic pump belt adjustment & replacement
The hydraulic pump is driven by a synchronous belt. The belt does not require significant tension; however, it should not be slack
either. When tensioned correctly, it should only be possible to deflect the belt about 3 to 5 mm when pushing firmly in the middle
of the belt span. The belt can be adjusted by loosening the four mounting bolts on the pump bracket (bracket shown in blue below)
and moving the pump/pulley up or down the slotted holes (as per the image below). A lever bar can be helpful for pushing the
bracket up and down into the right position. The bolts are best accessed from beneath the machine. If a replacement belt is required,
contact Hansa. Push the pump all the way up to allow the belt to be removed.