Measurement date: year (yyyy), month (mm), day (dd).
Measurement time: hour (hh) and minutes (mm).
Delete the last record. The blinking “DEL” indicates that the last
record will be deleted if the /DEL key is pressed.
To delete a record, a second confirmation is required.
Delete all records. The blinking “DEL” indicates that all records
will be deleted if the /DEL key is pressed.
To delete all records, a second confirmation is required.
a) on zero reading:
“Light high”: there is too much light to perform a measurement.
Please check the preparation of the zero cuvet.
“Light low”: there is not enough light to perform a measurement.
Please check the preparation of the zero cuvet.
“No Light”: the instrument cannot adjust the light level. Please
check that the sample does not contain any debris.
b) on sample reading:
There is too much light for the sample measurement. Please check
if the right sample cuvet is inserted.
“Inverted”: the sample and the zero cuvet are inverted.
“Zero”: a zero reading was not taken. Follow the instruction in the
measurement procedure
for zeroing the instrument.
The sample absorbs less light than the zero reference. Check the
procedure and make sure you use the same cuvet for reference
(zero) and measurement.
A flashing value of the maximum concentration indicates an over
range condition. The concentration of the sample is beyond the
programmed range: dilute the sample and measure again.