Sanitization Procedures
At the start up or after a period of one week the following procedure is reccommended to remove the possibility of bacterial growth or
contamination within the Hankscraft SS9-48 softener system. This procedure relates only to the original description of equipment
and options described for the Hankscraft SS9-48. Any alterations to the configuration would require evaluation by a trained water
1. Remove the brine tank cover and locate the brine well.
2. Remove the brine well cap.
3. Pour 1/3 cup of unscented bleach into the brine well.
4. Put cap back on brine well and cover back on brine tank.
5. On the F11-SMM control valve, turn the center knob until the wheel reads regen.
6. Allow approximately 2 hrs for the valve to complete its regeneration cycle and to return to service mode on its own.