Twin Otter ARF Assembly Manual
Step 4
Use sidecutters to remove the excess servo arm
beyond the enlarged second hole.
Step 5
Remove the flap hatch from the lower wing. Note
the orientation of the hatch by the black portion of its
covering. Position the servo as shown with the bottom
of the servo 1/8 inch above the outboard edge of the
hatch, and centered fore and aft.
Step 6
Use a pencil to mark the servo mounting locations on
the hatch.
Step 7
Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy and glue the
10 x 11 x 20mm mounting blocks to the hatch. Orient
the blocks so they do not protrude beyond the edge of
the hatch.
Step 8
Place the servo on the mounting blocks with a 1/32-
inch gap between it and the hatch. Use a pencil to
mark the mounting hole locations.
Step 9
Use a 5/64-inch drill bit in a pin vise to drill the servo
mounting holes. Apply a small drop of thin CA to each
to strengthen the wood. Allow the CA to cure without
using accelerator.