Twin Otter ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Prepare two 8-32 x 1-inch screws by applying a drop
of threadlock to the end of the threads.
Step 3
Slide the landing gear and fairing into the fuselage.
Insert an 8-32 x 1-inch screw into the inboard and aft
holes and use a 1/8-inch hex wrench to secure the
gear to the fuselage.
Step 4
Insert the wing strut into the gear fairing and align the
hole in the strut with the forward landing gear
mounting hole. Use a 1/8-inch hex wrench to secure the
strut to the fuselage with an 8-32 x 1-inch Allen screw.
Step 5
Insert the wing tube in the fuselage. Slide the wing panel
onto the tube while guiding the end of the strut into the
hole in the lower nacelle. Slide the wing panel all the
way against the fuselage and engage the strut end in its
pocket under the outboard side of the nacelle. This sets
the strut in the correct location so the gear fairing can be
glued in place.
Step 6
Apply a bead of canopy glue around the perimeter
of the gear fairing and use low-tack tape to hold it in
place against the fuselage while the glue cures. Allow
the glue to cure completely before removing the tape.
Step 7
Remove the wing panel then repeat steps 1 through
6 to install the opposite landing gear and fairing.
You may choose to leave the struts installed unless
required to remove them for transportation.