Twin Otter ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Prepare the nosewheel steering servo with grommets
and bushings. Note that the bushings are installed
from the bottom of the servo.
Step 3
Use sidecutters to remove three arms from a standard
4-way servo arm, leaving one long arm. The required
servo arm length is 1/2 inch (13mm). Center the servo
using your radio then use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to
install the arm as shown.
Step 4
Set the servo in place and mark the mounting holes
with a pencil.
Step 5
Remove the servo and drill the mounting holes with a
1/16-inch drill bit in a pin vise. Apply a drop of thin CA
to each of the holes to strengthen the wood. Allow the
CA to cure without using accelerator.
Place a rag in the fuselage so that any drip of
CA does not damage the windshield.
Step 6
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver and the hardware
provided with the servo to install it with the output
shaft towards the rear of the fuselage.
Step 7
Slide a silicone keeper onto the pushrod then thread
on a nylon clevis so that it is centered on the threads.
Measure 4 1/2 inches from the clevis pin and make
a mark with a felt-tipped pen. Use pliers to form a
90-degree bend at the marked location.