Hangar 9 Taylorcraft 20cc Assembly Manual
Step 7
Place the servo on the mounting blocks, leaving a
1/16-inch gap between the servo and the hatch
surface. Use a pencil to mark the servo mounting
locations on the blocks.
Step 8
Use a 1/16-inch drill bit in a pin vise to drill the servo
mounting holes.
Step 9
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread a servo
mounting screw into each of the mounting holes.
Step 10
Remove the screws and apply 1–2 drops of thin CA to
each of the mounting holes to strengthen the wood.
Step 11
Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to install the servo to the
hatch with four servo mounting screws.
Step 12
Attach a 12-inch servo extension lead to the aileron
servo and secure it with a length of dental floss. Apply
a very small drop of thin CA to the knot to prevent it
working loose.