Hangar 9 Taylorcraft 20cc Assembly Manual
Step 2
Use your radio to center the servo then use a #1
Phillips screwdriver to remove the stock arm from the
servo. Install the 180-degree arm supplied in the
servo hardware pack.
Step 3
Remove the aileron hatch from the wing and place the
servo on the inside of the hatch. Align the servo arm
with the edge of the hatch.
Step 4
Center the servo arm within the length of the opening.
Step 5
Use a pencil to mark the servo location on the inside
of the hatch.
Step 6
Mix a small amount of 12-minute epoxy and glue the
20 x 20 x 10mm servo mounting blocks to the hatch
on the outside of the markings for the servo.
Note that the grain of the mounting blocks runs
perpendicular to the hatch surface.