This feature cannot be used of the MR/RV output is used to drive a motor speed control or other device in
seam weld operation. A factory installed jumper will determine if either retract or motor out put is selected.
Supplied in our three stage footswitch is a locking mechanism. This locking stage is referred to as FSA.
This switch must be made and maintained before FS1 and FS2. If this does not happen, the P280 will not
sequence. If FSA is made at POWER ON, P280 will lock up, displaying “88”, as with FS1 and FS2. If FS
inputs are cleared, the P280 will function.
The 16 button keypad is simple in operation, as the executive program stored in an EPROM controls all
key strokes. If an illegal number is entered for a particular memory location, the software will not allow
the information to move out of the keypad, thus, protecting memory. Each memory location has a specific
format as shown above. The numeric keys are self-explanatory. The letter keys are as follows:
Skip-Advance to home position
Enter-Advance to next skip
Tip Dress-Lower tip to clean (Optional)
Seam-Configure control for seam welding
Weld-Weld current On/Off
Repeat-Repeat sequence until footswitch is (Spot ONLY)
I N D I C A T O R D E F I N I T I O N /F U N C T I O N
1. Dual 7 Segment Display – A two digit display reading weld schedule number or program data in
memory. The following LEDs define what information is displayed in the Dual Display.
2. Weld Schedule LED – The weld schedule number selected for current use (0-99).
3. Squeeze Time LED – The number of cycles of time to allow the electrodes to engage and stabilize weld
pressure (0-99).
4. Cool Time LED – The number of cycles of time following each welding period.
5. Impulses – The number of welding period. (Up % + Heat Time +Dn % + Cool Time) to be accomplished
during one weld sequence. (0-99).
6. Up % / Cycle LED – The percentage (0.1 to 9.9) of the Up Max. % value the heat will increase for each
of a second until Up Max % is reached.
7. Up Max % LED – Percent of maximum heat to be reached after delay of Up % / Cycle value. (0-99%)
8. Heat Time LED – The number of cycles of applied heat for each impulse. (0-99).
9. Heat % LED – Validity of available heat for each heat time. (0-99)
10.Dn % / Cycle LED – The percentage (0.1 to 9.9%) of the Dn Min. % value the heat will decrease for
each 1/60
of a second until Dn Min, % is reached.
11.Dn Min % LED – Percent of minimum heat to be reached after delay of Dn % / Cycle value. (0-99%)
12. Hold Time Led – The number of cycles of time maintaining weld pressure without weld current (0-