DEFRA Stove Installation and User Guide
2. You must be the original purchaser of the stove in order to make a claim.
This guarantee is not valid in relation to any claims made by someone who
did not originally purchase the stove from Arada or an approved Arada
3. Any claim under this guarantee must be made through the approved
Arada dealer where the stove was purchased and accompanied by proof
of purchase (e.g. a valid receipt). Stoves not purchased from an approved
Arada dealer will not be covered by this guarantee.
4. Your stove must be installed in the UK for this guarantee to be valid. Stoves
installed outside of the UK will not be covered by this guarantee.
5. Your stove must have been installed by a suitably qualified person and
in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Stoves
not installed by a suitably qualified person or not installed in accordance
with the manufacturer’s installation instructions will not be covered by this
6. Any claims under this guarantee shall not be valid where the installation of
the stove does not conform to all required building regulations and other
legislation in force at the time of purchase and where flue draw readings
have not been made to confirm a suitability of the flue. The manufacturer’s
decision as to whether this condition has been satisfied shall be final.
7. The guarantee does not cover damage caused to the stove through careless
handling or misuse or neglect of the appliance (misuse and neglect being
not following the manufacturer’s instructions and user guides in relation to
the stoves, including the use of non-recommended fuels).
8. The following consumable service items are not covered by this guarantee:
• Firebox linings
• Grate bars
• Fuel retainer
• Throat plate / FED plate / Baffle plate
• Gaskets
• Door glass
• Seals
• Associate parts
BK575 Rev03