Electrical Installation
Wire Terminations (continued)
(see Figure 6.2)
Vend lines 1-8 are connected to the phoenix connector at positions 1-8 respectively. They are used to signal
to the car wash controller which wash package and buy-up items have been selected.
NOTE: the signal presented to the car wash controller is normally an open, dry contact relay closure.
(see Figure 6.2)
The Common Wire pulled to Commander from the car wash controller is connected in Position 11 (C) of the
phoenix connector on the Wash Interface.
(see Figure 6.2)
The Cycle/Inhibit wires are used for the car wash controller to signal Commander when a car has completed
its wash and left the bay. The signal coming from the car wash controller must be able to energize the coil of
a relay on the wash interface. This means that the car wash controller must be supplying both voltage and
current when it energizes the coil.
Inside Commander, the wiring connection depends on the signal provided by the car wash controller.
Cycle/Inhibit wires should be connected directly to the 4 position phoenix connector, and position 1 and 2
on the wash interface.
- Optional
(see Figure 6.2)
Some wash equipment manufacturers will use this to place the pay station into an ‘Out of Service’ mode,
separate from the cycle inhibit signals. This may also be used for an operator to manually put Commander
into an ‘Out of Service’ mode. This will stop Commander from processing any further transactions until the
state has changed.
(see Figure 7.3)
An Out of Service relay is included in Commander. The connection is made at a 3 position phoenix connector
on the distribution board. Position 1 (common), Position 2 (normally closed) and Position 3 (normally open).
(see Figure 7.3)
If a Hamilton Code System or POS 4000 is being used in conjunction with Commander, a 485 communication
line must be pulled to each Commander on site. Cable (1 pair, twisted, shielded) should be run from where
the connection to the Code System device (isolator box) is located back to Commander.
The connection to Commander is on a 2 position phoenix connector on the distribution board. Position 1
is the positive, and Position 2 is the negative. The 485 Communication Line can be run in with low voltage
wires coming from the car wash.
NOTE: the 485 run should be made without any splicing or mid-point connections. If there are, this can lead to communication
issues. The maximum length of 485 cable is 1,000ft.