VividPro™ Digital Camera
1. Compose your photo using the LCD screen.
2. Press and hold the shutter button halfway down to activate the Auto-Focus. Wait for the camera to
focus in on the desired object/person. A green frame appears when the object/person is in focus.
3. Holding the camera steady, press the shutter button all the way down to take the photo. You will hear
a shutter sound from the camera. The picture will automatically be saved.
4. There will be a short pause while the camera saves a JPEG photo to the memory card. After a photo is
taken, (when the camera returns to shooting mode), the number of photos left to shoot at the selected
resolution is displayed on the top right of the LCD screen.
• When the SD vard memory (photo capacity) is full, the LCD screen will display a message:
“Memory Full - Insert an SD Card”. Photos cannot be saved without an SD card.
• Download the photos to your computer using copy and paste from the SD card to your local drive. Once you
have downloaded photos and videos to your computer, you can delete the files from your SD card to create more
capacity, or insert another SD card (Class 6 or higher) to continue taking more photos and videos.
Hold the camera steady and correctly as shown in the diagram below.
Do not touch or cover the lens while in use.