Firmware Version 1.21
Added /M embedded command to merge two characters into
Fixed sidetone in tune mode to be always on.
Fixed a bug in message calls. A message calling a lower
numbered msg could terminate early and/or send 7 dashes.
Fixed a bug that caused problems backspacing (8 dits) while
recording Message 1 from the paddles.
Better treatment of precomp. Now lengthens each element,
and shortens inter-element spaces by the same amount.
Fixed a bug in message calls where last_word was not being
set for the new message.
Fixed a bug where loading settings from USB drive could
turn off sidetone in command mode.
Fixed a bug that could result in no sidetone for QSO number
decrement (buttons 1&2)
Fixed poor sensitivity/timing of TUNE mode paddle sensing.
Fixed sidetone issue while recording from USB keyboard
Fixed an issue with multiple button presses sometimes not
being detected (if they were within 5ms or so)
July 23,
Added USB keyboard mode (replaces PC keyboard mode)
Added half-space ‘|’ character for messages
Fixed a bug that would result in the amp lead time being applied
for all characters sent from paddles.
Added second parameter to 'D' setting to lengthen only the first
element sent.
Improved USB device/host detection.
May 20,
Morse prompts from the keyer now use a different audio tone
than paddle input.
Add memory chaining instead of a button press terminating a
AMP_OUT now has both lead and trail delay settings.
Fixed a sidetone audio frequency shift issue.
Fixed problem in straight key/cootie mode.
While in PC keyboard Morse mode, you can backspace over text
that has already been sent. This does not, however, turn back time
and un-send the text.
In PC Morse keyboard mode, anything typed while the buffer is full
(buttons 3 & 6 are RED) will be lost.