Firmware Version 1.21
U R R S T / P = W X H R I S H O T / D R Y
If you hit the TAB key, the message will be played back and the pointer will remain at
the end of the message.
U R R S T / P = W X H R I S H O T / D R Y
Now let’s say we want to change the message to reflect today’s weather. Instead of re-
typing the entire message, you can simply use the backspace key:
U R R S T / P = W X H R I S
Or the left arrow, which in the end will have the same result:
U R R S T / P = W X H R I S H O T / D R Y
Then replace the last couple of words, and hit ENTER:
U R R S T / P = W X H R I S R A I N Y .
You can use the Tab key to review the message again, then hit END to save it. If you
change your mind and do not wish to save the changed message, hit the ESC key twice.
PC Keyboard Morse mode
In addition to using the USB keyboard, you can send ASCII text to your MK-1 for
conversion to Morse code. The process for entering and exiting this mode is similar to
USB keyboard Morse mode. With a computer connected via the USB B port and no
USB keyboard connected to the USB A port, press and release buttons 3 and 6. The MK-
1 will first check to see if a USB keyboard is connected; if it is, that will be used and the
PC interface will be disabled. If there is no USB keyboard connected, the MK-1 will
look for a PC host connected to USB B. If one is found, the button combination marked
KEYBOARD (3 & 6) will illuminate green. At this point any ASCII text received from
the host will be sent as Morse code.
PC keyboard mode is somewhat limited compared to USB keyboard mode. Function
keys are not supported, and depending on the configuration of your terminal program
may result in odd or unexpected characters being sent. The numeric pad + and – keys
also cannot be used for speed changes; they will be treated as any other +/- characters.