Laser Information
The EQ-400 uses a patented* laser drive system to excite a plasma that radiates in the ultraviolet as well as
the visible bands. A Class 4 laser is located in the Controller enclosure. The optical configuration of the
Lamp ensures that the direct laser beam cannot exit the unit. The EQ-400 laser product is designated as
Class 4 during all normal operation.
Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD) based on 400W 1070nm pump laser under a failure mode
condition where aperture is itself accessible: 4 meters
Required Optical Density (OD) for safety eyewear: 6 or higher at 1070 nm. These values are based on a
theoretical failure condition.
The parameters of the non-accessible internal laser are given below in Table 1.
1070 nm
Emission Type
Laser Power for classification
Beam Diameter
5 mm
0.3 mRad
Transverse Beam Mode
Single Mode
Table 1
: Embedded Laser Parameters
* US 7435982, 7786455, 8525138, 8969841, 9048000, 9185786 ; Japan 5410958, 5628253; Korea 10-1507617; UK
GB2450045; others pending