qCMOS Camera C15550-20UP Instruction manual_Ver.1.0
The exposure time setting can be done by the units of seconds.
The actual exposure time setting is defined by the following formula, and the camera automatically
calculates a longer and closest value from the specified exposure time setting.
(1) Standard scan
Exp1 = 7.2 µs to 1800 s (input in units of seconds)
1H = 7.2 µs
Exp2 = ROUNDUP (Exp1 / 1H) * Round up to integer
Calculation formula
Exp2 × 1H
(2) Ultra quiet scan
Exp1 = 172.8 µs to 1800 s (input in units of seconds)
1H = 172.8 µs
Exp2 = ROUNDUP (Exp1 / 1H) * Round up to integer
Calculation formula
Exp2 × 1H
Available setting range of the exposure time is the following.
Scan speed
Setting range
Standard scan
7.2 µs to 1800 s
Ultra quiet scan
172.8 µs to 1800 s
Ultra quiet mode is used for the Photon number resolving mode.