1: Introduction
The user stores reference and dark measurements to correct for instrument response variables.
The light transmits through an optical fiber to the sample.
The light interacts with the sample.
Another optical fiber collects and transmits the result of the interaction to the spectrometer.
The spectrometer measures the amount of light and transforms the data collected by the
spectrometer into digital information.
The spectrometer passes the sample information to OOI software.
OOI software compares the sample to the reference measurement and displays processed spectral
Modular Sampling Accessories
Ocean Optics offers a complete line of spectroscopic accessories for use with the Maya2000Pro Series.
Most of our spectroscopic accessories have SMA connectors for application flexibility. Accordingly,
changing the sampling system components is as easy as unscrewing a connector and replacing an
You can use the Maya’s USB connectivity with any computer that meets the following requirements:
Microsoft Windows – Windows 2000/XP/7; 32-bit and 64-bit and Windows Vista (32-bit only)
Apple Macintosh – OS X version 10.0 or later
Linux – Any version released for an x86 or amd64 platform since 2010
Shipment Components
Maya2000Pro Series Spectrometer
The following information and documentation also ships with the Maya2000Pro Series Spectrometer:
Packing List
The packing list is inside a plastic bag attached to the outside of the shipment box (the invoice
arrives separately). It lists all items in the order, including customized components in the
spectrometer (such as the grating, detector collection lens, and slit). The packing list also includes
the shipping and billing addresses, as well as any items on back order.
Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet
Each spectrometer is shipped with a Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet that contains information
unique to your spectrometer. Your spectrometer operating software reads this calibration data
from your spectrometer when it interfaces to a computer via the USB port.