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Input / Relay Card
The main use of this card is to provide three extra remote inputs, which can be used with ClassiFire override
(see section 3.3.4), remote day / night switching (section 3.3.14), remote reset (section 3.3.15) remote isolate
(section 3.3.16), battery monitoring (section 3.3.26) and mains power monitoring (section 3.3.27). It also
provides additional relay outputs for the fire and fault relays.
The additional remote inputs are labeled “I/P 1”, “I/P 2” and “I/P 3”, but when assigning the terminals to
remote function, these are assigned remote input numbers 4, 5 and 6 respectively. ClassiFire® override will
only function on remote inputs 3 or 6 (Input / Relay card “I/P 3”).
As with the remote input terminals on the detector on the Command Module, the functions are activated by
shorting the terminals together.
The card is fitted to the main detector PCB in the same way as APIC cards (see section 11.1), with the ribbon
cable plugging into the ADDRESSABLE INTERFACE 26-way connector, and the mounting posts fitting into the
holes on the PCB. Note that an Input / Relay card cannot therefore be used at the same time as an APIC card.
Due to space constraints, an Input / Relay card cannot be fitted to the detector board on a Command Module
detector, and the card has no current use on the Command Module.
The remote inputs are wired up to their activating switches from the card. For ease of installation, the terminal
blocks can be removed from the card for wiring, and a separated terminal block is shown in the illustration.
Note the orientation of the terminal blocks, as they will only fit easily into the card connectors one way round.
The terminals are in pairs labeled as follows:
AUX: Secondary auxiliary alarm relay terminals
PRE: Secondary pre-alarm alarm relay terminals
F2: Secondary Fire 2 alarm relay terminals
FLT: Secondary fault relay terminals
F1: Secondary AUX alarm relay terminals
I/P 1: Detector remote input 4
I/P 2: Detector remote input 5
I/P 3: Detector remote input 6
Detectors can be supplied ready-fitted with input / relay cards if requested.