Starting Up
Prior to starting up for the
first time
The following work must be completed
before starting the vehicle up for the
first time:
2.3.1 Installing brushes and pads
At the factory, a water retaining ring
(Fig. 4/1) is fitted to the brushes which
reduces water consumption consider-
ably during scrubbing.
Fig. 4
Refer to Section 4 for the brushes avail-
Switch off the scrubbing unit,
set the key switch to position 0
and remove the key.
Installing the brushes
The brush locks, supplied loose in the
vehicle's accessories kit, must be as-
sembled on the brushes in accordance
with Figure 6/1.
Fig. 5
1 Deflector
2 Deflector lock
3 Grip
1. Open the deflector (Fig. 5/1):
take hold of the grip (Fig. 5/3), raise
the deflector (Fig. 5/1), pivot it for-
wards and outwards and lower it
(service position).
2. Slide the brush under the brush head
in accordance with Figure 6.
Fig. 6
3. Raise the brush and turn slightly until
the toothing meshes.
4. Pull the brush up until all six hooks
engage in the catches.
5. Rotate the brush once to check that
all the hooks are engaged.