Order h49 7144.907-333
5. Unfasten and remove any lifting gear that may have
been required.
6. Remove the mounting aid on a vertically suspended
spindle if one was used.
7. Check face run-out on the test surface of the spindle
flange [ideally ≤ 0.005 mm].
8. Check axial run-out on the test surface of the spindle
flange [ideally ≤ 0.005 mm].
Whenever the face run-out and/or the axial run-out is greater
than the maximum permitted value:
9. Remove the spindle flange.
10. Clean the locating face and the mating faces of the ma-
chine spindle and the spindle flange.
11. If there is a burr or slight damage, rub down the locating
face of the spindle flange and the machine spindle gen-
tly with an oil stone.
12. Reinstall the spindle flange.
13. Repeat the face run-out test.
14. Repeat the axial run-out test.