Edit text: When an MMS contains text, you
can access the text editor to re-edit the text.
Add image: After you have selected the type
of picture, you will enter the pictures list.
If you have selected Photos list, the left
soft key on the screen will display "Preview"
and the right soft key will display "Back".
At this time, you can press [OK] key to insert
a photo or go to the preview screen and
then press the left soft key or [OK] key to
insert a photo. If you have selected another
type of picture, the list will come with an
"Options" soft key that allows you to access
the "Preview" and "View details" features.
In both photos or pictures preview screen,
the middle key allows you to "Insert" the
photo or picture and the Left and Right
navigation keys allow you to view the
previous and next picture.
Add sound: Press the middle key to insert
music in the music list.
An MMS can have several "pages". The first
p a g e c a n i n c l u d e a s o u n d o b j e c t , a p i c t u r e
object and text. The rest of the pages can include
a picture object and text. The page number and
size of the MMS are shown in the upper-right
corner of the MMS editor. When the new MMS
contains a blank page, the "Insert page" function
will be disabled. During editing, you can press
t h e " O p t i o n s " k e y t o c a r r y o u t t h e f o l l o w i n g
Preview page: To play the current page.
Page timing: To set the duration for playing
the page.
Delete page: To delete the current page.
Delete picture: To delete a picture in the
current page.