I f " S e n d i m m e d i a t e l y " i s s e l e c t e d , t h e
message will be sent directly and will not
be stored in the Outbox.
Once you are in the "Sent Messages" and "Un-
s e n t M e s s a g e s " o u t b o x f o l d e r s , t h e s h o r t
messages will be displayed in a list. Please
press Up/Down key to scroll and view the list.
Randomly select a message and press [OK] to
a c c e s s t h e D e t a i l s s c r e e n . I f t h e m e s s a g e
cannot fit into one screen, press Up/Down key
to scroll the whole contents. Press [OK] again
to access the option menu:
You can choose to send or forward the message,
or delete the message from the Outbox. If you
select a message from the "Unsent Messages"
outbox folder and send it, the message will be
moved directly to the "Sent Messages" outbox
folder upon being sent successfully.
To send a short message, a valid number
of the short message service center is required.
This number can be obtained from your network
service provider.
Confirm to open a text editor and input the short
Confirm what you have input and go on to edit
the list of receiver. Your mobile phone supports
the Group SMS feature and a short message
can be sent to 12 receivers a time. The following
operations are allowed: Write message
New messages