from the phone to the lists of PC Sync software
for you to be browsed, transmitted and modified.
Yo u c a n c r e a t e a n e w S M S i n t h e P C S y n c
software and then save or send it. If you choose
not to send but to save it, it will be stored in the
Outbox, marked as "Unsent", and can be sent
later. If it is later sent, it will remain in the Outbox,
marked as 'Sent'. You can also edit an existing
SMS and then save or send it.
You can double click an SMS in the Inbox or
Outbox to view it. You can reply or forward a
SMS in the Inbox. You can send or forward an
Unsent SMS in the Outbox and you can forward
a sent SMS in the Outbox.
You can backup the short messages into a PC
and save them in a file which can then be re-
imported into the PC Sync software for you to
browse, modify and send. You can select an
SMS from the list box to be deleted.
If your phone receives a new SMS, the message
will be forwarded to the PC Sync software and
saved in the Inbox as long as the phone is
connected to the PC and the screen will prompt
you with a message dialogue box, "You have a
new SMS". Click anywhere in the message box
will close the box. Then you can double click
the SMS in the Inbox to read, reply or forward
PC Sync software and data cable are optional
accessories and may not be included in the
standard package. The function is available
only after you purchase then from dealer. Using
2.8 Work as Modem