1. Dryer MUST be exhausted outside (outdoors, not beneath the manufactured
home) using metal ducting that will not support combustion. Metal ducting must
be 4 inch (10.16 cm) in diameter with no obstructions. Rigid metal duct
is preferred.
2. If dryer is exhausted through the floor and area beneath the manufactured
home is enclosed, the exhaust system MUST terminate outside the enclosure
with the termination securely fastened to the mobile home structure.
3. When installing a gas dryer into a manufactured home, a provision must be
made for outside make up air. This provision is to be not less than twice the
area of the dryer exhaust outlet.
4. This dryer MUST be fastened to the floor using P/N 0030807899
Manufactured Home Installation Kit. Follow the instructions supplied with
the kit.
5. Refer to previous sections for other important venting requirements.
6. Installation must conform to current Manufactured Home Construction & Safety
Standard (which is a Federal Regulation Title 24 CFR-Part 32-80) or when
such standard is not applicable, with American National Standard for Mobile
Homes. In Canada, the CSA Z240 is applicable.