About Heat Pump Systems
Terminal 5 (O) is energized for cooling
Terminal 6 (B) is energized for heating
In most applications, the reversing valve is energized for cooling and should be connected to the "O" terminal.
If the heat pump requires the reversing valve to be energized for heating, connect the reversing valve to the
"B" terminal.
With a call for Stage 2 on a two speed heat pump,
compressor outputs Y1 and Y2 are energized. When
2 stages of cooling and 2 stages of heating are configured for a heat pump, Stage 2 is considered high speed
on the heat pump and not auxiliary heat. If auxiliary heat (or emergency heat) in needed, configure 3 stages
of heating on the heat pump.
To temporarily disable Energy Efficient Control and heat as quickly as possible, press [HOLD] and select
“On”. The RC-2000 will use the Auxiliary Heat as needed to reach the heat setting.
Terminal 9 (L) is used to indicate a fault with the heat pump compressor. When there is a compressor fault,
the display will flash red and the “Heat Pump Fault” error message is shown.
The Emergency Heat Relay (E Terminal) and outdoor thermostats (usually accessories to a heat pump), are
not used. The RC-2000 automatically controls auxiliary heat efficiently. If the heat pump is equipped with an
outdoor thermostat, it should be removed from the auxiliary heat circuit.
About Dual Fuel Heat Pump Systems
A dual fuel heat pump typically has a gas furnace combined with a heat pump. The gas furnace is used as
auxiliary heat unless the outdoor temperature is very low, in which case it is used as the primary heat source.
When used with dual fuel heat pumps, the RC-2000 requires a method for obtaining the outdoor
temperature. A temperature sensor can be physically connected to the “Remote Temp. Sensor” terminals on
the thermostat or the RC-2000 can obtain the outdoor temperature from a remote system.
If the RC-2000 can not obtain the outdoor temperature, the heat pump compressor will not operate and the
thermostat will only call for the auxiliary heat until the problem is resolved. When this occurs, the display
will flash red and the “Problem With Outdoor Temperature Sensor. Some Heat Stages May Be Disabled”
error message is displayed. After the error has been acknowledged, “Outdoor Sensor Fault” will be
displayed in the Message Bar until the problem is resolved.
Balance Setpoint Limits:
If the outdoor temperature is above the “Upper Balance Setpoint” (45
F by default), the heat pump is
used exclusively.
If the outdoor temperature falls below the “Upper Balance Setpoint” but is above the “Lower Balance
Setpoint” (35
F by default) and if the heat pump is unable to heat at a rate of 5 degrees per hour or
better, the heat pump will turn off and auxiliary heat will be used until the call for heat has been
If the outdoor temperature falls below the “Lower Balance Setpoint”, the heat pump will turn off and
the auxiliary heat will be used until the call for heat has been satisfied.
The Balance Setpoint Limits can be adjusted according to the manufacturer’s specifications under
“Balance Setpoint”
– See
Installation Settings
When the RC-2000 makes a call for auxiliary heat, the heat pump compressor is turned off and the
auxiliary heat is used exclusively.