[PE1] interface vlan-interface 30
[PE1-Vlan-interface30] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-Vlan-interface30] ipv6 address 30::2 64
[PE1-Vlan-interface30] quit
# On PE 1, create VLAN 40 and VLAN-interface 40, bind VLAN-interface 40 with VPN instance
and configure an IPv6 address for the VLAN-interface 40.
[PE1] vlan 40
[PE1-vlan40] quit
[PE1] interface vlan-interface 40
[PE1-Vlan-interface40] ip binding vpn-instance vpn2
[PE1-Vlan-interface40] ipv6 address 40::2 64
[PE1-Vlan-interface40] quit
# Configure the IP address of the interface Loopback 0 as for the MCE and as for PE 1. Specify the loopback interface address as the router ID for the MCE and
PE 1. (Details not shown.)
# Enable OSPFv3 process 10 on the MCE, bind the process to VPN instance
, and
redistribute the IPv6 static route of VPN 1.
[MCE] ospfv3 10 vpn-instance vpn1
[MCE-ospfv3-10] router-id
[MCE-ospfv3-10] import-route static
[MCE-ospfv3-10] quit
# Enable OSPFv3 on VLAN-interface 30.
[MCE] interface vlan-interface 30
[MCE-Vlan-interface30] ospfv3 10 area
[MCE-Vlan-interface30] quit
# On PE 1, enable OSPFv3 process 10 and bind the process to VPN instance
[PE1] ospfv3 10 vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-ospfv3-10] router-id
[PE1-ospfv3-10] quit
# Enable OSPFv3 on VLAN-interface 30.
[PE1] interface vlan-interface 30
[PE1-Vlan-interface30] ospfv3 10 area
[PE1-Vlan-interface30] quit
Verifying the configuration
# On PE 1, display the routing table of VPN 1.
[PE1] display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Routing Table : vpn1
Destinations : 5 Routes : 5
Destination: ::1/128 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : ::1 Preference: 0
Interface : InLoop0 Cost : 0
Destination: 30::/64 Protocol : Direct
NextHop : 30::2 Preference: 0
Interface : Vlan30 Cost : 0