If the input file name is the same as the original one in the Flash memory, the system prompts that “The
file is exist, will you overwrite it? [Y/N]”. Enter
to overwrite the original file. The new application
program file will then overwrite the original file of this type, ensuring the uniqueness of the application
program on the device.
Make sure the available space in the memory is sufficient. Or, the system prompts “The free space isn't
The file updated will directly overwrite the original file of this type to become the only application
program. The file downloaded here will overwrite the original M file and become the main boot
For details of file types, refer to
on page
You can set the main or backup attribute only for the startup file in the root directory of the device.
Upgrading BootWare Through Ethernet Interface
You can also upgrade the BootWare through Ethernet interface. Enter
in the BootWare submenu, and
the system displays:
==================<BOOTWARE OPERATION ETHERNET SUB-MENU>==================
|<1> Update Full BootWare |
|<2> Update Extend BootWare |
|<3> Update Basic BootWare |
|<4> Modify Ethernet Parameter |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu |
Enter your choice(0-4):
Before upgrading, enter
in the menu to configuring Ethernet parameters. For details, refer to
Configuring Ethernet Interface Parameters
on page
. Then you can select to upgrade full BootWare,
extended BootWare, or basic BootWare.
Upgrading BootWare Through Serial Interface
Use XModem to upgrade BootWare through a serial interface.
XModem Protocol Overview
To upgrade the BootWare and application program through a serial interface, use the XModem
XModem is a file transfer protocol widely used for its simplicity and good performance. Modem transfers
files through serial interfaces. It supports transmission of packets in 128 bytes and 1 KB, error check
(checksum and CRC), and error retransmission (generally the maximum number of retransmission
attempts is 10).
XModem transmission is completed by the cooperation of a receiver and a sender. The receiver sends a
negotiation message to the sender to negotiate an error check method. After the negotiation, the sender
starts to transmit data packets. After a complete packet is received, the receiver checks the packet using
the agreed method.