The file name cannot be longer than 64 characters (including drive letter and a string terminator. If the
drive letter is “CFA0: /”, the file name can be at most [ 64-1-6 ] = 57 characters in length; or, errors will
occur in file operation. Typically, the file name is recommended to be not more than 16 characters.
The extension ASCII characters (ASCII>=128) and invisible characters (ASCII<33) cannot be included in
the file name.
The following characters cannot be included in the file name: ”, ‘, ?, \, space, *, |, <, /, :, >, ~.
The character “.” can be included in the file name, but cannot be the first or last character of the file
name. Two consecutive “.”s are not allowed.
Software Maintenance Methods
Upgrade BootWare and an application using the XModem protocol through a serial port.
Upgrade an application from a TFTP/FTP server through an Ethernet interface in BootWare.
Upload/download an application and configuration file from a TFTP/FTP server via command
The BootWare program is upgraded together with the Blinux application program. You do not need to
upgrade the BootWare separately. When upgrading the Blinux program, the system checks whether the
running BootWare version is consistent with that in the updating host application program. If
inconsistent, the system asks whether to upgrade the BootWare. If you make no choice within one
second, the system upgrades the BootWare automatically.
When the flexible interface platform (FIP) starts, it automatically checks the running BootWare version.
If the current version is inconsistent with the version used on the FIP, the system upgrades the BootWare
Check the current version of BootWare and application program before upgrade. For the version
configuration information, see the corresponding
Release Notes