TLC 2100
C A + : Field Reverse
C A + ; Timer Mode Off/On
C A + < Record Check
C A + = Counter Reset
C A + ! VCR Status
C A + S VCR Extended Status
C A + 1 Rewind
C A + 2 Fast Forward
C A + 3 Record
C A + 4 Play
C A + 5 Stop
C A + 6 Field Advance
C A + 7 Still/Pause
C A + 8 Reverse Play
C A + 9 One Shot
The Operational Control Commands are entered by pressing the Control-A and then
pressing the number or symbol key listed next to the commands below. Important
Letters are case sensitive for all the commands on the following pages.
Eg. Pressing Control and "A" and then 1 sends a Rewind Command.
VCR Status Return (Ctrl+A+!):
when the recorder receives this command, it will return
the following data:
• Mode of Operation [PLAY, RECORD, F.FWD, REWIND, STOP, F.ADV, R.ADV,
R.PLAY, REVIEW (Rewind/Search), CUE (Fast Foward/Search), STILL, or
• Tape Speed [02, 18, 24, etc., including 00]
• Tape Counter [00000....99999 TLC2100 SHD], [00000.....09999, TLC2100]
• Timer Mode ["T=Off" or "T=On"]
• Alarm Counter [000...099]
• Tape Status [NORM(AL), BEG(IN), END, OUT, LOW]
• HD [hd = On or hd = Off; TLC2100 SHD only]
Example response to the VCR Status Command:
RECORD, 240, 1500, T=OFF, 000, NORM, NONE, hd=Off
Unit is in RECORD mode at 240 hour speed; counter reads 1500; the timer
is OFF; no alarms in memory; tape is in normal position; and no warnings.
VCR Extended Status (Ctrl+A+S)
: when the recorder receives this command, it will
return the following data:
• Tab [Tab=On or Tab=Off] Note: Tab=On means write protected, Tab light is on
• Alarm Index [Index=On or Index=Off]
• Mode Lock [Lock=On or Lock=Off]
• T.End [T.End=On or T.End=Off]
• SVHS [SVHS=On or SVHS=Off]
• Power Loss [PL=On or PL=Off]
• Head [Head=dddddd dddddd = 000000 to 999999] Note: 'd' represents a digit
• Total [Total=dddddd
dddddd = 000000 to 999999]
• Warn [Warn=dd
dd=00 to 99, number of warnings which occurred]
Example response to the VCR Extend Status Command:
T a b = O f f , I n d e x = O f f , L o c k = O f f , T . E n d = O f f , S V H S = O n , P L = O f f , H e a d -
VCR Extended
Status Command
VCR Status
Return Command
For more information
about Tape End, see
"Appendix A"