GDS-1000B Programming Manual
Header: The header (in ASCII)
encodes the number of bytes for the
header followed by the number of
data points in bytes for the raw data.
Header identifier
Indicates the number
of characters that will
encode the number of
data points (ie. 2000
= 4 characters) after
which the raw data
will follow.
Indicates the number
of bytes that follow
(for the raw data).
Raw Data:
Each two bytes (in hex) encodes the
vertical data of a data point. The data
is signed hex data (2’s complement, -
32768 ~ 32767).
Waveform Raw Data Example:
raw data……….
23 34 32 30 30 30
00 1C 00 1B 00 1A 00
1A 00 1B ………..
28 27 26 26 27…….
The actual value of a data point can be
calculated with the following formula:
(Decimal value of hex data/AD
Factor) * vertical scale.
Note: AD Factor is fixed as 25. The
vertical scale is returned with the