maximal values is cleared in case of device restart or by the user request. In case of device
time is synchronized with SNTP server, timestamps for minimal and maximal values are
Backup and restore configuration
Device configuration can be saved into file and restored if needed. Compatible parts of
configuration can be uploaded into another device type. Configuration can be moved only
within devices at same family. It is not possible restore configuration from p-line Web Sensor
into t-line Web Sensor and conversely.
Setup using TSensor software
TSensor software is an alternative to web configuration. Some less important parameters are
configurable only by the TSensor software.
Parameter MTU size can reduce size of the Ethernet frame. Lowering of this size can solve
some communication problems mainly with Cisco network infrastructure and VPN. TSensor
software can set offset of values at temperature probes. At DSRH humidity probe is possible
set correction of the humidity and temperature.