GTE Industrieelektronik GmbH
V3.2UK 2/19
Page 22 of 26
Measuring between the door leaf and surrounding solid parts
Measurement of entrapment forces should be carried out between a folding
leaf and the surrounding solid parts with regard to the direction of the meas-
uring force at the measuring points as required for hinged doors (3.2.2.).
Lifting doors
Measurement Points
Forces should be measured between the primary closing edge and the coun-
ter closing edge (floor) at various points on the primary closing edge.
at a clear distance of 200 mm from the edge of the door space,
in the middle of the door space, as desribed in figure 6 below:
50 mm
300 mm
300 mm below the top of the door space, or, 2500 mm, where the total
open door space is greater than 2800 mm.