30309466 1 Issue 2.10
With sandwich structure, it is easy to be installed
between DZ-03 base and a detector.
Three working modes settable (Mode I, II, III, and
the latter two available with pre-alarm state).
16 tones of sound and bright flashing light.
Electronically addressed. The address and tones
can be modified in field.
I-9406 Addressable Flashing Beacon Base is installed
in field to warn people for evacuation with audible and
visual alarm in case of a confirmed fire.
The flashing beacon base can communicate with fire
alarm control panel (FACP) through a built-in
microprocessor. On receiving a start command from
the FACP, the microprocessor will control the buzzer to
generate the pre-set fire alarm sound and light the
bright LED.
Wiring and Connection
Terminals of the flashing beacon base are shown in
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
Z1(1), Z2(3): Signal loop of FACP, polarity-insensitive.
Recommended Wiring
or above fire cable, subject to local codes.
Warning: Before installing the flashing beacon
base, disconnect power from the loop and verify
that all the bases are securely fixed and that the
wiring is correct on each base.
1 Before installation, make sure the enclosure is
free from scratch or distortion, and labels are
2 Installation schematic of the flashing beacon base
is shown in Fig. 2.
3 Secure the detector base (Fig. 4) with 2 tapping
screws, and wire them properly. Align the
orientation mark B on the flashing beacon base to
mark C of detector base, and rotate the flashing
beacon base clockwise to D. Refer to Fig. 3 and 4.
4 If the flashing beacon base comes with a cover,
align the orientation mark on the cover to mark A
of the flashing beacon base (Fig.1), and rotate the
cover clockwise to B. If it's used as detector base,
remove the cover and install the detector on it with
the same method.
Electric Box
Flashing Beacon Base
Cover or Detector
Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Flashing Beacon Base Fig. 4 Detector Base
The flashing beacon base can be used as the base of
intelligent heat and smoke detectors to combine
detection and alarm in a single device. It can be
connected to the loop of FACP without additional
power supply.
Working Mode Setup and Tone Selection
The flashing beacon base has three working modes.
The factory default is tone 14, mode I.
The flashing beacon base has 16 tones, the setup of
which also decides the setup of working modes.
If the flashing beacon base is set with one of the
tones from No. 1 to 16, it works in Mode I.
If it is set with one of the tones from No. 17 to 32, it
works in Mode II.
If it is set with one of the tones from No. 33 to 48, it
works in Mode III.
Tone 1~16, 17~32 and tone 33~48 are completely
the same by one-to-one correspondence, with the
only difference that they work in different modes.
Please refer to the table of tones.
Working Modes:
Type of fire alarm
Single address,
occupying one loop
Note: Detector &
beacon base must
have different
Standalone. The
beacon base gives
alarm signal when
Dual addresses,
sharing high address
with detector
The beacon base
gives pre-alarm
signal when starting
the higher address
and alarm signal
when starting the
lower address.
Occupying dual
The beacon base
gives pre-alarm
signal when starting
the lower address
and alarm signal
when starting the
higer address.
Addressable Flashing Beacon Base