Error: 404
Bus sample fault
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
Contact Growatt.
Error: 405
Relay fault
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
Contact Growatt.
Error: 408
Over Temperature
If the ambient temperature of inverter is
lower than 60°C, restart inverter, if error
message still exists, contact Growatt.
Error: 409
Bus over voltage
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
Contact Growatt.
Error: 411
DSP communicates with M3
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
update the DSP&M3 firmware
Change DSP board or M3 board, if problem
still exist, contact Growatt.
Error: 414
EEPROM fault.
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
Contact Growatt.
Error: 417
The data sampled by the DSP and
redundant M3 is not the same.
Restart inverter, if problem still exist,
Contact Growatt.
Error: 420
GFCI fault.
Restart inverter, if problem still exist, or
contact Growatt.
Error: 425
AFCI self-test fault
Restart inverter, if problem still exist, or
contact Growatt.