GLDM 64.1 Technical Manual rev. 1.30 February
Page 40 of 50
7.2. The PDOs
The Weight and status is sent using TPDO1. One TPDO1 is sent each time a new measurement is ready. The
high measuring rate of the GLDM
64.1 will result in approx. 1200 TPDO1’s per second. If the PLC system
can’t handle 1.200 meas./sec., the output rate can be reduced – see the command NS1_6 (index 2007 sub 6),
only for CANbus available.
The TPDO2 is sent when an average measurement is ready. The TPDO2 has the same format as TPDO1.
The TPDO3 is sent when the tare changes. It has the same format as TPDO1.
The format of the TPDO1, TPDO2 and TPDO3 is:
32 bit
16 Bit
8 bits
8 Bit
Module Number
The first field is a single precision float value carrying weight information, gross or net value if it is a TDPO1,
average weight if it is a TPDO2 and tare value if it is a TPDO3.
The qualifier follows as a 16 bit field with the following values defined:
0x0001 - Under range,
0x0002 - Over range,
0x0008 - Center zero,
0x0010 - No motion,
0x0020 - Tare set,
– ADC Error,
0x0100 - Set-point 0 (source>limit),
0x0200 - Set-point 1,
0x0400 Set-point 2,
0x0800 Set-point 3,
0x1000 Filling in progress,
0x2000 Filling complete,
0x4000 Average data ready.
The third field is the module number (CAN Open address) as an unsigned 8 bit value.
The fourth field is a code identifying the type of the weight field defined as:
0x00 = Gross weight.
0x01 = Net weight.
0x02 = Tare weight.
0x03 = Average weight.
Weight values are available at all times
The following table shows the information of TPDO1:
32 bit
16 bit
8 bit
8 bit
Default: Net weight.
Refresh time: Controlled by the setup of command UR.
Format: Floating point single precision (IEEE 754)
Average weight GA is available and refreshes when a new measurement is ready.
Tare weight GT is available and refreshes when a new tare value is set.
Module Status
Module Number
0 or 1