important –– reaD first –– important
Warning: tHe unit must be installeD bY personnel QualifieD to WorK WitH electricitY
anD plumbing. improper installation can cause inJurY to personnel anD/or
Damage to tHe eQuipment. tHe unit must be installeD in accorDance WitH
applicable coDes.
caution: sHipping straps are unDer tension anD can snap bacK WHen cut.
caution: Do not install tHe unit in anY WaY WHicH Will blocK tHe rear Vents, or
WitHin 2 incHes of a Heat source sucH as a braising pan, Deep frYer, cHar
broiler or Kettle.
caution: leVel tHe unit front to bacK, or pitcH it sligHtlY to tHe rear, to aVoiD
Drainage problems.
Warning: folloW tHe Wiring Diagram eXactlY WHen connecting a unit to aVoiD
Damage or inJurY. Wiring Diagram is locateD on tHe insiDe of tHe rigHt
caution: Do not use plastic pipe. Drain must be rateD for boiling Water.
Warning: Do not connect tHe Drain DirectlY to a builDing Drain.
Warning: blocKing tHe Drain is HaZarDous.
important: improper Drain connection Will VoiD WarrantY.
important: Do not alloW anY Water traps in tHe line. a trap can cause pressure to builD up
insiDe tHe caVitY During steaming, WHicH Will maKe tHe Door gasKet leaK.
Warning: WHen You open tHe Door, staY aWaY from steam coming out of tHe unit.
steam can cause burns.
Warning: before cleaning tHe outsiDe of tHe steamer, Disconnect tHe electric
poWer supplY. Keep Water anD cleaning solutions out of controls anD
electrical components. neVer Hose or steam clean anY part of tHe unit.
Warning: alloW cooKing cHamber to cool completelY before cleaning.
Warning: use milD cleaning agents onlY. carefullY reaD tHe Warnings anD folloW
tHe Directions on tHe label of eacH cleaning agent. use safetY glasses
anD rubber gloVes as recommenDeD bY cleaning agent manufacturer.
Warning: Do not put HanDs or tools into tHe cooKing cHamber until tHe fan Has
stoppeD turning.
Warning: Do not operate tHe unit un less tHe remoVable rigHt siDe panel Has been
returneD to its proper location.
Do not use a cleaning agent tHat contains anY sulfamic aciD, or anY
cHloriDe, incluDing HYDrocHloric aciD. if tHe cHloriDe content of anY
proDuct is unclear, consult tHe manufacturer. Do not use a cleaning or
Deliming agent tHat contains more tHan 30% pHospHoric aciD.
Do not use anY Degreaser tHat contains potassium HYDroXiDe or soDium
HYDroXiDe or tHat is alKaline.
Warning: use of anY replacement parts otHer tHan tHose supplieD bY groen or tHeir
autHoriZeD Distributor VoiDs all Warranties anD can result in boDilY
inJurY to tHe operator anD Damage tHe eQuipment. serVice bY otHer tHan
factorY-autHoriZeD personnel Will VoiD all Warranties.
Warning: HigH Voltage eXists insiDe control compartments. Disconnect from brancH
circuit before serVicing. failure to Do so can result in inJurY or DeatH.
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