Model G4000 (Mfg. Since 8/09)
Always disconnect power
to the machine before
performing maintenance.
failure to do this may
result in serious person-
al injury.
For optimum performance from your machine,
follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any
specific instructions given in this section.
Note: This maintenance schedule is based on
average daily usage. Adjust the maintenance
schedule to match your usage to keep your lathe
running smoothly and to protect your investment.
Daily Check:
Loose mounting bolts.
damaged or worn belts.
Worn or damaged wires.
Any other unsafe condition.
Every 6–8 Hours of Operation:
Clean the machine.
daily lubrication procedures.
Cleaning the Model g4000 is relatively easy.
Vacuum excess metal chips, then wipe off built-
up grime. protect the unpainted metal surfaces
with regular applications of Way oil (refer to
ACCESSORiES on page 43).
Cleaning &
your lathe has numerous metal-to-metal moving
parts that require proper lubrication to help ensure
efficient and long-lasting operation.
other than the lubrication points covered in this
section, all other bearings are internally lubricated
and sealed at the factory. simple leave them
alone unless they need to be replaced.
disConnECt thE LAthE FroM poWEr
BEForE pErForMing LuBriCAtion!
Make copies of
pages 48–49 and check off the
correct boxes in the chart of
figure 77 to keep
track of the daily lubrication procedures. Follow
the same sequence of lubrication each day to
help ensure all locations are lubricated.
For ball oilers, wipe them clean, then depress the
ball with the tip of the oil bottle filled with iso 32
oil (or equivalent) and squirt once. For other com-
ponents, thoroughly clean them with a shop rag
and mineral spirits, then use a clean rag or brush
to apply a thin coat of lubricant (we recommend a
good quality way oil).
When lubricating the ball oilers inside the
change gear cover, DO NOT allow any lubri-
cant to contact the belts or pulleys. if lubri-
cant does get on these parts, thoroughly
clean the pulleys and replace the belts with
new ones before continuing operations.