Gripping Power, Inc
EPS200 User s Manual
The high voltage output voltage setpoint can be changed via the setpoint adjust switch on
the front panel. Changes made to the high voltage setpoint in the local mode will alter the
remote mode high voltage setpoint as well. No provision is provided in the local mode to
adjust the overcurrent trip point, or change the active program. All other parameters must
be adjusted via the RS-232 remote mode.
3.5. Digital Remote Mode. The digital remote operating mode is entered by setting the
LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the front panel to the REMOTE position. Press the mode
select switch until 'DigRem' is displayed in the mode indicator area of the status display.
Note that the HV ON switch is ignored when in digital remote mode.
The default output voltage used during the HV ON cycle is displayed and may not be
changed while in this operating mode. The HV ON command is given in this mode via the
15-pin control connector in the rear of the unit. Refer to Appendix D for digital remote
mode interface information.
When the HV ON signal is activated, the power supply executes the currently selected
program. As with any other program, the execution of the program may change the output
voltage from the stored value. If the previously stored high voltage setting is desired, the
selected program should not contain a SV commands, which will alter the stored output
voltage setpoint.
3.6. Analog Remote Mode. The analog remote operating mode is entered by setting the
LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the front panel to the REMOTE position. Press the mode
select switch until 'AlgRem' is displayed in the mode indicator area of the status display.
Note that the HV ON switch is ignored when in analog remote mode.
The high voltage output setpoint used during the HV ON cycle is obtained from the 15-pin
control connector, on the rear of the unit. The analog voltage is converted to a setpoint and
displayed on the status display. The high voltage output will not track the analog input.
The analog input is sampled only when the HV ON command is given. The HV ON
command is given in this mode via the 15-pin control connector in the rear of the unit via
the digital remote interface. Refer to Appendix D for interface information.
When the HV ON signal is activated, the power supply executes the currently selected
program. As with any other program, the execution of the program may change the output
voltage from the stored value. If the exclusive use of the analog input voltage setting is
desired, the selected program should not contain a SV commands, which will alter the stored
output voltage setpoint.
3.7. RS-232 Remote Mode. The RS-232 remote operating mode is entered by setting the
LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the front panel to the REMOTE position. Press the mode
select switch until 'RS-232 is displayed in the mode indicator area of the status display.
Note that the HV ON switch is ignored when in RS-232 remote mode.
The host computer must be capable of supporting a 9600 baud DTE RS-232 device and have
the proper software installed, to communicate with the EPS200 via the RS-232 serial port.
Refer to Appendix C for RS-232 interface specifications.
A versatile command protocol has been developed for the EPS200 with the intent to make it a
flexible production or development instrument designed to fit any need. Refer to sections four