Gripping Power, Inc
EPS200 User s Manual
selected was executed. If a fault condition is active, a ? will be returned and the
program will not run until the fault has been cleared.
>0 XP [CR]
>0 XP P0 [CR]
5.4.7. (??) Help. A brief listing of all available EPS200 commands can be displayed
by sending the unit the help listing command.
>0 ?? [CR]
Entering program commands. User programs may be up to 32 steps long. Each program
instruction is entered similar to the immediate mode commands, with the exception that a
line number is included with the instruction. The instructions are stored and executed in
sequence, based upon the instruction line number. There are two program instruction formats
used with the EPS200.
Program instruction only format:
> a [sp] nn [sp] cc [cr]
Program instruction with parameters format:
> a [sp] nn [sp] cc [sp] dddd [cr]
All program instructions sent to the EPS200 must start with an ASCII '>' (hex 3E) or the
following fields will be ignored. The following one byte code [a] is the unique address of the
target unit. This code is a hex-ASCII value ranging from 0-9 and A-F. The EPS200 currently
only supports address zero (hex 32).
ASCII space characters [sp] act as delimiters and must be inserted as shown between fields.
No space is permitted after the attention character and the address field.
The following field [nn] is the line number, which can range from 01 to 32. Instruction lines
can be entered in any order. Instructions are stored and listed in order, sorted by line number.
Line numbers may be skipped. Empty program locations are treated as no operation and are
The next field [cc] is the instruction field, which contains a two byte ASCII character from the
EPS200 instruction set. The program instruction can be any instruction that is valid within a
program. Some instructions are not valid in programs. Refer to Table 5.1 and section four for
additional information.
The data field [dddd] may contain up to four ASCII bytes. For example, if the desired target
voltage is 850 volts, then an ASCII '850' should be in the data field. Leading zero are not
After the complete message has been sent, a carriage return (hex 0D) must be sent to unit to
indicate the end of the message. If the last byte after the command message is not a carriage
return or the command does not pass syntax checks, the data will be ignored and a ?
character will be returned.
Multiple program instructions per line number are not allowed.