Infierno 96/154
Installation & Use
Air flow in the Infierno comes in from the front and up
through the fire grates in the hearth base. This creates
three distinct heat zones on the grilling surfaces, front
to back. The difference in heat on the surface just a few
inches forward or back can be dramatic.
Note: because the operator has a very large height range
available for the cooking surfaces, temperatures can
be controlled through a near-infinite range. The zones
below are based on the grill surfaces positioned 4-8”
above a wood/coal bed. For precise readings on surface
temperature we recommend the use of an infrared gun-
type thermometer.
Low Heat Zone
The front of the grilling surfaces, closest to the operator,
are the warm zone. Under normal cooking circumstances,
with the grill fired and running, this area comprising the
first six inches of grill surface will be 200-300 degrees
Fahrenheit when set 4-8” above the coal/wood bed.
Medium Heat Zone
The center of the grill surface, the six inches positioned
more completely over the bulk of the fire bed will
range from 300-600 degrees at 4-8” high.
Searing Zone
The rear six inches of the grilling surfaces, closest to the
rear wall of the grill and to the fire cage, will be the hottest
area, both because of their positioning and the flow of hot
air up the rear wall of the grill. At 4-8” over the fire, this
area will produce very high heat, ranging from 600-900
degrees depending on the intensity of the fire.
Surface Cooling
Once a grill surface is raised further from the fire,
for example to rest an item, it will cool quickly.
Remember this when lowering it again for high heat$
the stainless will need a couple minutes to come back up
to searing temperatures.
Basting Pans
Each grill surface empties into a removable basting
pan attached to the front of the lift frame via a keyhole
system. The V-Channel standard surfaces capture oils
and juices to reduce flaring and to deliver them to the
chef for use in basting and sauces.
Low Heat Zone
Medium Heat Zone
Searing Zone
Infierno 96