To access LiveNurse:
1. Press the Call Button.
2. When a 5Star Response Agent answers, ask to be connected
to LiveNurse.
3. The agent will connect you to the LiveNurse service.
Turning off your 5Star Responder
1. To turn your 5Star Responder off, press and hold the Power
Button for at least 3 seconds.
2. You will hear a voice prompt that says “Powering Off.” The device
is now off.
Please remember to power off your Responder while on an
Answering your 5Star Responder
When there is an incoming call, your 5Star device will ring with an
audible tone.
1. To answer, press and release the Call Button and speak
2. To end the call, press and release the Call Button again.
Your Responder can only receive calls from 9-1-1 Operators
or 5Star Response Agents.
About the Service Indicator
The Service Indicator is located at the top of the Responder. The Service
Indicator will show whether or not you have wireless coverage and if
the device is working properly.