1. If you have not done so already, remove the major
parts of the kit from the box (wing, fuselage, tail parts, etc.)
and inspect them for damage. If any parts are damaged or
missing, contact Product Support at the address or
telephone number on the front cover.
2. Remove the masking tape and separate the ailerons
from the wing, the rudder from the fin and the elevator from
the stabilizer. If necessary, use a covering iron set on
medium/high to tighten the covering. Apply pressure over
sheeted areas to thoroughly bond the covering to the wood.
1. From the 2" x 9" [50mm x 230mm]
CA hinge strip, cut six 3/4" x 1" [19mm x
25mm] hinges. Cut off the corners to
make insertion easier.
❏ ❏
2. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole, 1/2" [13mm] deep in the
center of each hinge slot to allow the CA to “wick” in. Follow-
up with a #11 blade to clean out the slots. Hint: If you have
one, use a high-speed rotary tool to drill the holes.
❏ ❏
3. Use a sharp #11 blade to cut a strip of covering
from all the hinge slots in the wing half and aileron.
❏ ❏
4. Test fit the ailerons to the wing with the hinges. If
the hinges don’t stay centered, stick a pin through the
middle of the hinges to hold them in position.
❏ ❏
5. Clean the aileron torque rod with denatured alcohol
to remove any contaminants.
❏ ❏
6. Mix up a small amount of epoxy. Using a tooth pick,
apply epoxy in the aileron torque rod hole and along the
groove in the leading edge of the aileron. Before the epoxy
cures, join the aileron to the wing. Remove any pins you may
have inserted into the hinges. Adjust the aileron so there is a
very small gap between the LE of the aileron and the wing.
The gap should be small – just enough to see light through or
to slip a piece of paper through. Clean up any excess epoxy
using a paper towel dampened with denatured alcohol.
Install the Ailerons