You must assemble the model according to the
instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so
may result in an unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases
the instructions may differ slightly from the photos. In those
instances the written instructions should be considered
as correct.
You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
You must use an R/C radio system that is in first-
class condition.
You must correctly install all R/C and other components so
that the model operates correctly on the ground and in the air.
You must check the operation of the model before every
flight to insure that all equipment is operating and that the
model has remained structurally sound. Be sure to check
clevises or other connectors often and replace them if they
show any signs of wear or fatigue.
If you are not an experienced pilot or have not flown this
type of model before, we recommend that you get the
assistance of an experienced pilot in your R/C club for your
first flights. If you’re not a member of a club, your local hobby
shop has information about clubs in your area whose
membership includes experienced pilots.
WARNING: The cowl and wheel pants included in this
kit are made of fiberglass, the fibers of which may cause
eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into a
part (wheel pant, cowl) to remove fiberglass dust, as the
dust will blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety
goggles, a particle mask and rubber gloves when grinding,
drilling and sanding fiberglass parts. Vacuum the parts and
the work area thoroughly after working with fiberglass parts.
Remember: Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
A fully charged battery pack will provide an initial “surge” of
power during the first 15 to 30 seconds of the motor run.
Then the power output stays fairly steady for the next several
minutes before dropping off quickly. If you do not “peak-
charge” your battery, it will not deliver that initial surge
necessary for a good takeoff and climb-out. There are three
easy ways to peak-charge your battery pack.
The easiest way is with a “peak-detecting” battery
charger. This type of charger will charge your battery until it
is fully charged, then automatically shut off. Using a peak-
detecting charger reduces the chances of damaging the
batteries from over-charging. We recommend the Great
Planes Triton™ DC Peak Charger (GPMM3150) to keep
your batteries in good condition.
The second method of charging your motor batteries is
to monitor the voltage of your battery pack with a voltmeter
while charging. This method is only recommended for
NiCd batteries. Your charger may have sockets into which
you may plug a voltmeter. If not, you may insert the probes
from the voltmeter into the rear of the battery plug, making
contact with the metal contacts. As your battery charges, the
voltage will gradually increase. When the battery is fully
charged, the voltage will start to drop. At this point your
battery is fully charged. We recommend the Hobbico
AC/DC Multi-Charger (HCAP0150).
The third (and least reliable) method of peak-charging
your battery pack is by checking its temperature. This
method is only recommended for NiCd batteries. As the
battery charges it will remain cool until it is fully charged.
When it reaches the fully charged state, it will rapidly build
up heat. You can feel this heat with your hand. As soon as
the pack starts to noticeably warm up, disconnect it from the
charger. Do not continue charging if the battery pack is
hot! Overcharging will damage your battery pack and can
result in an explosion.
In addition to the items listed in the “BATTERY CHARGER
OPTIONS” section, the following is the list of hardware and
accessories required to finish the Super Sportster EP ARF.
Order numbers are provided in parentheses.
4-channel radio with three mini servos
6" [150mm] servo extension (HCAM2701 for Futaba
In addition to common household tools and hobby tools, this
is the “short list” of the most important items required to build
the Super Sportster EP.
Great Planes Pro
CA and Epoxy
glue are recommended.
1/2 oz. [15g] Thin Pro CA (GPMR6001)
Pro 30-minute epoxy (GPMR6047)
Drill bits: 1/32" [.8mm], 1/16" [1.6mm], 5/64" [2mm], 3/32"
[2.4mm], 1/8" [3.2mm]
#1 Hobby knife (HCAR0105)
Adhesives and Building Supplies
Hardware and Accessories
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and flyability of your finished model depends on
how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model, and
no representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model.