2. Round the front edge of the two 5mm dowels.
3. Trim off the covering that hides the dowel holes. Trial fit
the two wing dowels into the wing panels.
4. Using 30 minute epoxy, liberally coat the inside of the
hole and wing dowel. Insert the dowel until only 3/8" [5mm]
or so sticks out.
This is a very high stress
area. Take your time to get a nice strong glue joint. Wipe off
the excess glue that squeezes out.
1. Carefully mark and drill two 3/16" [5mm] holes for the
wing dowels where shown.
2. Mark wing bolt locations onto the wing as shown.
3. Using epoxy, glue the two 2.5 x 20 x 41mm plywood
wing bolt plates together. After they are cured, glue them
inside the fuselage where shown. Be sure to use plenty of
glue to fill any unevenness inside the fuselage.
4. Slide the wing panels together using the 7mm wing joiner.
Mounting the Wing