❏ ❏
10. Mount the control horn to the aileron with two
#2 x 3/8" [#2 x9.5mm] sheet metal screws.
❏ ❏
11. Locate a .074 x 12" pushrod wire threaded on
one end. Screw a nylon clevis onto the threaded end of the
wire 25 turns. Install a silicone clevis keeper onto the clevis.
Install the clevis on the aileron control horn.
❏ ❏
12. Be sure the aileron servo is centered (plug the
servo into the receiver and turn the radio on to re-center it
properly if you are unsure). Center the aileron and align the
wire pushrod with the hole in the end of the servo arm. Using
a marker, mark the location where the wire aligns with the
hole in the servo arm. On that mark make a 90 degree bend.
From the bend measure up 3/8" [9.5mm]. Cut off the excess
pushrod wire.
❏ ❏
13. Install the wire into the hole in the servo arm using
a nylon FasLink as shown in the sketch.
❏ ❏
14. Repeat these steps for the servo installation in the
left wing.
15. Having separate servos on each aileron could be new
to some modelers. When connecting two separate servos to a
single channel on your radio you will either need to plug them
into a Y-harness or if your radio has the capability of mixing two
separate channels to the aileron you can connect the servos
that way. Review your radio instruction manual to see if it has
this capability. If you are going to be using a Y-harness plug the
servos into the connector. Tape the servo leads to the
connector to prevent them from coming unplugged.
❏ ❏
1. Locate the wire landing gear. Both of them are the
same so there is no left or right. Install the wire into the slot
in the bottom of the right wing.
❏ ❏
2. Locate the nylon landing gear straps. Place two
straps over the wire as shown. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] pilot
hole for each hole in the landing gear strap. Install the straps
with two #2 x 1/2" [#2 x 13mm] sheet metal screws for each
landing gear strap.
❏ ❏
3. Locate two 5/32" [4mm] wheel collars, two 4-40
set screws and one of the 2-3/4" foam wheels. Install a
wheel collar, the wheel and then another wheel collar onto
the landing gear wire. Install a set screw into each wheel
collar, tightening it to keep the wheel collars in place. When
locating the wheel collars be sure to leave enough room for
the wheel to spin freely.
4. Repeat these steps for the left wing.
Install the Main Landing Gear
2-56 (.074") Pushrod Wire
Servo Horn