6. While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremely high stress fl ying, such
as racing, or if an engine larger than one in the recommended
range is used, the modeler is responsible for taking steps to
reinforce the high stress points and/or substituting hardware
more suitable for the increased stress.
The fuselage and tail cone adapter included in
this kit are made of fi berglass, the fi bers of which may cause
eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into a
part to remove fi berglass dust, as the dust will blow back into
your eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a particle mask and
rubber gloves when grinding, drilling and sanding fi berglass
parts. Vacuum the parts and the work area thoroughly after
working with fi berglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends
on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model, and
no representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model.
REMEMBER: Take your time and follow the instructions
to end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
Radio Equipment
Transmitter with ele
mixing or any
other available programmable mix that can mix the
aileron and elevator channels.
Two micro servos in the 20 oz-in torque range:
(2) Futaba
S3157 digital, micro, high-speed/torque
servos (FUTM0657)
Two 3" – 4" [75mm – 100mm] servo extension wires for
connecting the servos:
(2) Futaba J-series 75mm extension slim leads
Ducted Fan, Motor, Battery and ESC
The Phazer has been designed to work with and includes
the Great Planes ElectriFly
56mm ducted
fan system (GPMG3910) and the
inrunner brushless motor (GPMG5185).
The Phazer has also been designed to fl y with a 4S (14.8V)
LiPo battery in the 2200mAh, 30C range. Weighing 9.2 oz.
[260g] the Flight Power
4S 2200mAh 30C EON-X
(FPWP6199) has a good combination of compact size,
reasonable weight and suitable power for fl ying the Phazer.
It can also be charged at up to 5C for quick turnaround
times to get you back into the air quickly!
On a 4S 2200mAh 30C battery the Ammo motor/
HyperFlow fan unit draws approximately 32A on the ground
(static), about 30A in the air and consumes about 460mAh/
minute at full-throttle.
The Great Planes ElectriFly SS (Silver Series) 35A brushless
ESC is also recommended. (GPMM1830)
Battery Charger
A LiPo-capable battery charger is required. The Great
EQ AC/DC Charger (GPMM3155)
is recommended for a few reasons—it has built-in cell
balancing and an LCD screen that indicates individual cell
Voltage as well as fi nal charge capacity (which is valuable
for calculating fl ight times and other important data). The
Triton EQ can be powered either by a 110V AC power
source (wall plug-in) or external DC power source. For
fi eld-charging, the Great Planes 12V, 12A DC power supply
(GPMP0901) is suitable.
For batteries that have a Deans connector, a Charge
Lead with banana plugs /Deans
Male charge lead
(GPMM3148) is also required with the Triton EQ.
Adhesives and Building Supplies
Nothing extraordinary is required to assemble your Phazer.
Other than common hobby tools, here are the items required:
1/2 oz. Medium CA (GPMR6007)
1/2 oz. Thin CA (GPMR6001)
CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
CA accelerator (GPMR6035)
Threadlocker (GPMR6060)
Great Planes Self Adhesive Lead Weights (GPMQ4485)
Great Planes Pro
30-minute epoxy (GPMR6043) and
Top Flite
Microballoons (TOPR1090) for gluing on the
wings and installing the fan unit.
Zap Goo (PAAR3200) for gluing on the wings and
installing the fan unit.
Major wing repair or replacement will be easier if
they are not permanently attached. Zap Goo or RTV silicone
may be used for attaching the wings, yet can be removed
later if required.
Following are the colors of MonoKote
used on the Phazer:
Jet White
Missile Red
Metallic Platinum
(TOPQ0204) (TOPQ0201) (TOPQ0408)