Ducted Fan Assembly
Reference the separate HyperFlow instruction sheet as
necessary, but follow the instructions below for assembly/
installation into the Phazer.
1. Enlarge the hole in the fan housing to allow installation
and removal of the motor without having to remove the brass
fan adapter.
2. As shown in the HyperFlow manual, trim the three
alignment guides
from inside the housing to accommodate
the motor.
3. Trim any fl ashing from around the fan housing so the
fi berglass
cone adapter
will fi t correctly.
4. Key one of the 3mm set screws (for fastening the brass
fan rotor adapter to the motor shaft) onto a 1.5mm Allen
wrench—a basic “L” wrench is included if you don’t have one
of your own. Use a metal fi le to lightly fi le down the end of the
screw—it won’t take much—just a few passes to remove the
slightest fraction of an inch.