7. Hold the ends of the struts in place on the strut plates
in the wing and mark the location of the screw holes. Drill
1/16" pilot holes at these locations and attach the strut ends
with #2 x 3/8" screws.
Caution: If you thread the rear strut mounting screws in all
the way, they will puncture the covering on top of the wing.
Therefore, you should only turn the rear screws in a couple
of turns to create a thread pattern in the holes. Then,
remove the screws and cut off about half of the threaded
portion and reinstall the screws.
Note: You may leave the struts permanently attached to the
wing. When you remove the wing from the fuse, just remove
the two screws which attach the struts to the fuse. For
storage the struts may be folded down onto the wing and
held in place with a rubber band.
The throws are measured at the widest part of the
elevators, rudder and ailerons. Adjust the position of the
pushrods at the servo horns and the nylon control horns to
change the amount of throw. You may also use the ATV’s if
your transmitter has them.
Important: The balance and control throws for the
ElectriCub have been extensively tested. This chart
indicates the settings at which the ElectriCub flies best.
Please set up your model to the specifications listed above.
If, after you become comfortable with your ElectriCub, you
would like to adjust the throws to suit your tastes, that’s fine.
Too much throw can make the plane harder to handle or
force it into a stall or snap roll, so remember, “more is not
always better.”
1. The recommended Great Planes S-600 motor for direct
drive and T-600r motor for gear drive require “Break-in” by
running the motor without the propeller for at least ½ hour.
This will seat the motor brushes on the commutator,
insuring that the motor will provide full power for your first
flight and extend the life of your motor. If you notice a
decrease in motor power after several flights, it may be due
to carbon build-up on the brushes or commutator. To
remove this build-up, repeat the above break-in procedure.
2. The bronze bushings in the motors are self lubricating,
but their life may be extended by applying a very small
amount of light machine oil to the point where the motor
shaft contacts the bushings after every hour or two of run
time. Note: A drop of oil is far too much. You should apply
the oil with a toothpick. Never oil the inside of the motor.
3. Using multiple battery packs to run the motor in successive
flights may cause the motor to become excessively hot. We
recommend at least a 10-minute cool-down period
between flights.
4. If the propeller should become stalled, such as running
into long grass or by nosing over, the motor will draw
excessive current, causing the fuse to blow (the internal
We recommend the following control surface throws:
High rate
Low rate
3/4" up
5/8" up
3/4" down
5/8" down
3/4" left & right
1/2" left & right
1/2" up
3/8" up
3/8" down
1/4" down
Note: If your radio does not have dual rates, we
recommend setting the throws between the low and high
rate amount.